HERITAGE Report FOR additions to childcare centre in Joubert Street, Hunters Hill

Hunters Hill Council - TRANPLAN Heritage Consultant prepared the Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) to support a development application (DA) for the alterations & additions to the front, side & rear of the existing childcare centre in Joubert Street (Hunters Hill Council). The site is within the C1 Hunters Hill Conservation Area No 1 – The Peninsula and the Landscape Conservation Area C450 – “Figtree Subdivision, DP 988” , and is also in the vicinity of several Local Heritage Item. Challenges include reviewing Hunters Hill Council's  Local Environment Plan 2013 & Consolidated Development Control Plan 2013

  • State Heritage Item? No
  • Local Heritage Item? No
  • Heritage Conservation Area (HCA)? Yes
  • Near Heritage Item or Conservation Area? Yes
  • Required Heritage Impact Statement (HIS)? Yes

Contact our Heritage Consultant now for free heritage advice. We provide a FREE initial consultation so that our heritage consultant can fully understand your heritage issues. 


What is a Heritage Item?

A Heritage Item is a site / structures that has been officially recognised by a government authority as important to the culture and history of a community. A designated Heritage item is usually a non-moveable object with a specific location such as any preserved landscape containing important artifacts such as historic gardens / buildings, archaeological sites etc.

How do I find out if my property is a Heritage Item?

Heritage Items and Heritage Conservation Areas (HCA) are listed by local Councils in their relevant Local Environmental Plans (LEP), which also contain broad provisions to protect those heritage items. In some cases, Heritage Items may also be of higher heritage significance and will be listed on the NSW State Heritage Register (State significance), Australia Heritage Database (National Significance) and/or UNESCO (World Heritage). Our Heritage consultant will be able to assist you in finding out if your property and/or a property that you are looking to buy has any Heritage listing.

What does it mean if my property is a Heritage Item?

Heritage listing provides formal recognition that a place / building has heritage significance and that the community wants to keep it for future generations.

If you own a heritage-listed property and/or if your property is located in a Heritage Conservation Area, there are additional development constraints and you will need to seek approval from your local council or the NSW Heritage Council if you wish to make major changes which may affect the heritage significance of the place.

Our Heritage consultant will be able to provide specialist heritage advice about what you can or can’t do to your Heritage listed property. In the majority of cases, you will need a Heritage Impact Statement for any development / works to a Heritage Item or a property in a heritage conservation area.

What is a Heritage Impact Statement?

A Heritage Impact Statement (also referred to as Statements of Heritage Impact) is a report which is prepared by an experienced heritage consultant and assesses the impacts a proposed development has on the significance of a heritage item and/or a heritage conservation area.  

Guidelines for preparing Heritage Impact Statement have been prepared by the NSW Department of Environment & Heritage.  

Why is a Statements of Heritage Impact needed?

Councils have a statutory obligation under their respective Local Environmental Plans (LEP) and cannot give approval to a development application involving a heritage item or heritage conservation areas without considering how the development would impact on the heritage significance of the heritage item or the conservation area. A Statements of Heritage Impact would demonstrate to the Council that the heritage significance of a Heritage Item or conservation areas has been considered, and for the Council to assess the findings & recommendations of the Statements of Heritage Impact report.

A Statements of Heritage Impact generally includes the following:

  • A description of the item, site and immediate streetscape and building group (where the item is part of a building group or conservation area).
  • Photographs of the item including existing buildings, mature vegetation and major landscape elements and the local streetscape.
  • A summary of the historical development of the place.
  • Detailed statement of significance for heritage items, based on the physical description and historical summary.  
  • Assessment of the item’s contribution to the significance of the heritage conservation area.
  • A detailed description of the proposed development.
  • Analysis of the positive and negative impacts of the works on the significance of the heritage item, and the positive and negative impacts of the proposed work on the setting and local streetscape and on the significance of the heritage conservation area.
  • Consideration of any alternative solutions and the reasons that they were discounted.
  • A Statement of Significance and Heritage Recommendations.

A Heritage report will always be based on a Statement of Significance for the place, which is usually identified from a State Heritage Register, a Local Heritage Inventory entry, or a Conservation Management Plan or Strategy (CMP or CMS). If none of these sources exist, a significance statement may need to be prepared. 

Every development and heritage site will have its own unique heritage issues that will need to be considered. The NSW Heritage Office has guidelines for many issues that will need to be addressed in the Statements of Heritage Impact. Our heritage consultant is familiar with these requirements and appropriate sources of information, and will be able to provide specialist heritage advice to meet your development needs. Contact our heritage consultant for FREE heritage advice.

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